Google Knowledge Panel

Google Knowledge Panel Service


What is Google Knowledge Panel?

Have you noticed a rectangular panel on the right side of your screen when you’ve done a Google search for a business, person or significant topic? Typically it includes a brief summary of the subject that is gathered from a wide variety of sources including a backlink to the subject’s Wikipedia page. By creating a Wikipedia page, the Google Knowledge Graph will display easy access to bite-sized pieces of information about the subject.

Google Knowledge Panel Influences Search and SEO

WikiCreators specializes in Google Knowledge Panel Services

Google Knowledge Panel was introduced in 2012, with priority to help users get relevant information quickly and easily. The data is available via linking and semantic metadata; a significant chunk of google knowledge panel data comes from Wikipedia; Stepping up your PR and link building game and using schema markup on-site also improve the subject’s visibility. It has a terrific impact on SEO and business ROI as it gives users the best opportunity to learn about your entity , going to your site. Raise the visibility of your brand in a new and powerful way
Google continues to evolve the algorithm for a mission to transform search from “strings to things.” Google graphs and associated cards have tremendously improved the search experience for users. Different studies have been carried out that demonstrate over 50% of people do not click on the link because they find responses to their queries in the knowledge panel A Google Knowledge Panel is the best slice of real estate available in a Google search.

Raise the Visibility of your Brand in a New and Powerful Way

Google continues to evolve the algorithm for a mission to transform search from “strings to things.” Google graphs and associated cards have tremendously improved the search experience for users. Different studies have been carried out that demonstrate over 50% of people do not click on the link because they find responses to their queries in the knowledge graph – It investigates what’s working and answers people’s questions that substantially increases your search presence.
What we need to get started?
A signed letter confirming that we have been retained to provide the service. Complete access to all your social media profiles and changes to your website to include information Google requires (can be done by your team or us). After the information has been processed, a Google Knowledge Panel will be triggered.
How to get a Google Knowledge Panel for my Business?
Google Knowledge panel is automatically created by the Google algorithm from information that comes from various sources. If there is not one created for you, here are steps to maximize the chance of getting a GKP for the business.   Create a Wikipedia page for your business.  Be active on social media platforms.  Publish a book on Amazon.  Implement a schema markup.  Create Listings on Local Directories. 
Can anyone have a Knowledge Panel?
Not everyone can have a KP, and getting a Google panel depends upon the level of authority. Google determines whether you or your brand is worthy of a knowledge panel. However, brands that are well-known and have Wikipedia pages dedicated to them often have a knowledge panel.
What we can do for you?
WikiCreators can add your company logo and a hatnote specifying the industry or space ( with limited variability dictated by Google). Working links to all your social media profiles and a link to your website will be added to the Google Knowledge Panel. Additional detail ranging from the current headquarters, type of business ( private/public/subsidiary), name of the parent company,  names of CEO & CFO, stock, revenues, and total asset will be displayed on your Google knowledge graph ( if publicly reported elsewhere) 
How long does it take for Google to verify the Knowledge Panel?
The verification process can take from a few days to a few weeks.  To begin the verification process, Google requires a valid governmental ID and proof of control for all social media accounts related to the entity cited in the existing generated Knowledge Panel. 
Why can't I claim my Knowledge Panel?
You can not claim KP if the Google algorithm has not already created it. The key to maximizing the chance of your knowledge panel to show up;  be more active online or publish content associated with your name. The schema markup on your site can also help.

Benefits of a Google Knowledge Panel


Improved visibility

Knowledge panel provides basic facts, images, and social profiles about the entity - it drives awareness about featured entities and results in increased visibility.

Higher user engagement

An entity featured on the KP is likely to gain more engagement. Interested Users click either social media profile or website, which eventually foster engagement.

Establishes Authority

Users perceive information coming from Google as more authentic. Hence, it helps build effective brand authority in the industry and delivers a competitive edge.

Quick and Rich Information

Plenty of information, including images, social media profile, facts and related entities, are already on Google’s first page resulting in increased brand recognition.

It helps Google in voice queries

Google knowledge graph assists effortlessly in recognition of entities and attributes in the voice search bar, which remarkably improves the user experience.

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